Earlier this week I wrote about the mess that was the Delmarva Wrestling Digest show in Bridgeville, DE this past Saturday. I requested comment from the state agency responsible for combat sports entertainment (aka pro wrestling) in the state of Delaware. That agency is the Division of Professional Regulation (DPR) in the Delaware Department of State.
I received the following reply from Alexis Webb of the Delaware Department of State:
All applications for this event were properly submitted to the Division of Professional Regulation (DPR). Based on the information below, DPR has initiated an investigation and cannot comment any further.
As I noted in my original piece, Delmaarva Wrestling Digest, LLC received a license for the show. My only question was whether they honestly and accurately filled out the contestant information form, in light of an underage wrestler participating in the show. As a reminder, “Any contestant or alternate not identified on the application is not approved to participate. Contestants must be at least 18 years old.”
Let’s revisit my original observations about this show and then look at some more of the evidence:
The ring was unsafe.
There were no guard rails or barriers in violation of Delaware regulations.
An underage wrestler, Sage Sikes, participated in the show in violation of state regulations.
Jay Cortez (aka Jason Sweeney) - a convicted rapist and registered sex offender - was present at the event at a middle school dressed as the Grinch. He also had locker room access where wrestlers, including the underage one, were changing.
Let’s look into the ring condition some more.
Here’s one video that was in wide circulation over the weekend:
Here‘s another video that has been shared online a lot as well:
It would appear that the ring is either missing pieces or the wood undernth is so thin it was popping under the beams. The latter explanation could also be related to missing pieces as well.
As far as guard rails go, Marcus Waters was looking for them as late as Friday night.
As the video and photographs from the event make clear, he didn’t find them.
The facts on all of these things speak for themselves and I will be following the outcome of the state investigation and reporting them here.
I‘ll once again offer Mr. Waters the opportunity to provide a written statement that I will run unedited in its entirety. Just drop an email to dmvpwrowrestling@gmail.com.
Once again, here’s the original article:
That ring is wildly unsafe. I’m sure the wrestlers pride wanted to keep the show going for the crowd, but someone, and luckily it did not happen, could have been seriously hurt.